“The world is a
dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who
look on and do nothing.”
– Albert Einstein.
Today we will discuss two questions pertaining to
the magnetic field produced by infinitely long current carrying cylinders. The first
question is the usual single correct answer type multiple choice question. The
second one is an integer answer type question, the answer to which is a single
digit integer ranging from 0 to 9. Here are the questions with their solution.
(1) An infinitely long conducting cylinder with
inner radius R/2 and outer radius R carries a uniform current density
along its length. The magnitude of the magnetic field B as a function
of the radial distance r from the
axis is best represented by

Case (i): r <
Using Ampere’s circuital law we find that the
magnetic fiel at points at distance r <
R/2 is zero.
[We have ∫B.dℓ =
Since the current passing through the surface
enclosed by the path of integration is zero,
the value of B is zero
at distance r < R/2]
Case (ii)
For distance r
lying between R/2 and R (or, R/2 ≤ r <
R) we have
∫B.dℓ =
μ0[πr2J – π(R/2)2J]
where J is the current density
[πr2J – π(R/2)2J
is the current passing through the surface enclosed by the path of integration
in this case]
Or, B×2πr = μ0[πr2J – π(R/2)2J]
This gives B
= (μ0J/2)[r – (R2/4r)]
Case (iii)
For r ≥ R we
B.dℓ =
μ0[πR2J – π(R/2)2J]
Or, B×2πr = μ0[πR2J – π(R/2)2J]
This gives B
= (μ0J/2r)[R2 – (R2/4r)] = 3μ0JR2/8r
The graph shown in option (D) indicates the above
three cases correctly.

the cylinder has no cavity, the magnetic flux density B1 at
the point P is given by
∫B1.dℓ =
Therefore, B1×2πa = μ0πa2J
Or, B1
= μ0aJ/2
Since there exists a cavity, the current is
reduced by π(a/2)2J and the magnetic field is reduced by B2.
The field B2 is
given by
∫B2.dℓ =
Therefore, B2×2π(3a/2) = μ0π(a/2)2J
[The circular path of integration in this case
has radius a+(a/2) = 3a/2]
Or, B2
= μ0aJ/12
The magnitude B
of the magnetic field at the point P due to the actual conductor with the
cavity is given by
B = B1 – B2 = μ0aJ/2– μ0aJ/12
Or, B = 5μ0aJ/12
In the question the above field is given as Nμ0aJ/12
N = 5.
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