Links to Questions
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Questions (MCQ) on Nuclear Physics
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Apply for All India Engineering/Architecture Entrance Examination 2010 (AIEEE 2010)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
IIT-JEE 2010 – Candidates to get Performance Score Cards
Leading news papers have flashed a welcome news item which will be of great interest to candidates appearing for IIT-JEE 2010. Here is the gist of the news item:
The JEE Board will issue performance cards specifying the marks and the ranks secured by candidates who will be appearing for IIT-JEE 2010. The performance cards can be considered as certificates by many other institutions wanting to give admission to JEE candidates. A decision for issuing such performance cards has been taken by the Joint Admission Board (JAB) for IITs in its meeting on August 23. The performance score cards will be issued two weeks after the results are declared. The marks of the students will be published on the IIT-JEE websites just a week after the results are declared. The next JAB meeting in April 2010 will give the final approval to the scheme.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
MCQs on Magnetism including EAMCET 2009 (Medical) Question
(1) The period of oscillation of a magnetic needle in a magnetic field is T. If an identical bar magnetic needle is tied at right angles to it to form a cross (fig), the period of oscillation in the same magnetic field will be
(a) 21/4T
(b) 21/2T
(c) 2T
(d) T√3
(e) T/2
The period of oscillation (T) of the single magnetic needle is given by
T = 2π√(I/mB) where ‘I’ is the moment of inertia of the magnetic needle about the axis of rotation, ‘m’ is the magnetic dipole moment of the needle and ‘B’ is flux density of the magnetic field.
When two magnetic needles are tied together to form a cross, the moment of inertia becomes 2I and the magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment becomes √(m2 + m2) = m√2.
[Note that magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity. Two identical vectors (each of magnitude m) at right angles will yield a resultant magnitude m√2].
The resultant magnetic moment will be directed along the bisector of the angle between the axes of the individual magnets since the magnets are identical. In the absence of a deflecting torque, the resultant dipole moment vector will align along the applied magnetic field B. On deflecting from this position, the system will oscillate with period T1 given by
T1 = 2π√(2I/mB√2) = 2π√(I√2/mB) = 21/4T
(2) Three identical magnetic needles each L metre long and of dipole moment m ampere metre are joined as shown without affecting their magnetisation. At points B and C unlike poles are in contact. The dipole moment of this system is
(a) m
(b) 2m
(c) 3m
(d) 3m/2
(e) 5m/2
The distance (AD) between the ends of the compound magnet is 2L. Since the pole strength is m/L, the dipole moment of the compound magnet is (m/L)2L = 2m
(3) A magnet of length L and moment M is cut into two halves (A and B) perpendicular to its axis. One piece A is bent into a semicircle of radiur R and is joined to the other piece at the poles as shown in the figure below:
Assuming that the magnet is in the form of a thin wire initially, the moment of the resulting magnet is given by
(1) M/2π
(2) M/π
(3) M(2 + π)/2π
(4) Mπ/(2 + π)
The above question appeared in EAMCET 2009 (Medicine) question paper.
The distance between the poles of the resulting magnet is (L/2) + 2R
Since the semicircular portion of radius R is made of the magnetised wire of length L/2, we have L/2 = πR so that R = L/2π and 2R = L/π
Therefore, length of the resulting magnet (L/2) + (L/π)
The pole strength (p) of the magnet is given by
p = M/L
Therefore, the dipole moment of the resulting magnet = Pole strength×Length = (M/L)[ (L/2) + (L/π)] = M(2 + π)/2π
Monday, November 02, 2009
Apply for Joint Entrance Examination for Admission to IITs and other Institutions- (IIT-JEE 2010)
The Joint Entrance Examination for Admission to IITs and other Institutions (IIT-JEE 2010) will be held on April 11th, 2010 (Sunday) as per the following schedule:
09:00 – 12:00 hrs: Paper – 1
14:00 – 17:00 hrs: Paper – 2
You can apply either on-line or off-line for IIT-JEE 2010. On-line application procedure is available from 1st November 2009 to 7th December 2009.
Off-line submission of the application using the application materials purchased from designated branches of banks also is possible from 16th November 2009 to 15th December 2009. Designated branches of banks can be found by visiting the web sites of the IIT’s.
The JEE websites of the different IITs are given below:
IIT Bombay:
IIT Guwahati:
IIT Kharagpur:
IIT Roorkee:
The online application fees are Rs. 900/- (for general category, OBC & DS students) and Rs. 450/- [for female (any category), SC/ST and Physically Disabled]. The respective offline application fees are Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 500
The last date for receipt of the completed application at the IITs is 19th December, 2009 (Saturday), before 17:00 hrs.
Visit one of the web sites given above (such as for more details.
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